Wonderful® Pistachios Blog
3 Ways to Store Your Pistachios
Though the occasion of having extra pistachios is rare, we thought it might be practical to give you a few ways to keep your surplus stash fresh n’ tasty. Check out our three ways to store extra pistachios in case old Saint Nicholas leaves you an extra bag or two.
1. Airtight
Probably the best and most
effective, air tight
containers will keep your
pistachios from absorbing
moisture and going stale. You
can also store them in the
freezer or refrigerator for
maximum freshness (just be
sure to thaw the frozen ones).
If you’re looking to store
your pistachios for an
extended amount of time, we
suggest this route.
2. Re-sealable Bags
Need to store your pistachios
for a day or until your next
snacking session? Yours truly
has found re-sealable bags to
be a good way to store
pistachios for a couple of
days or less.
3. Rubber Band or
For the truly addicted,
storing pistachios means only
for a few hours. Try wrapping
a rubber band around the bag
or re-sealing it with a bit of
tape! We fancy, huh?
Have any other great ways to store your pistachios? List all the ones we forgot to mention in the comments!